There was a time
Spain's GRANDEST city !
And this was
the "last" city
the North African Arab Muslims (Moors)
hung on to
the "last" city
the North African Arab Muslims (Moors)
hung on to
before the
Christians RE - conquered it . . 500 years ago!
Christians RE - conquered it . . 500 years ago!
Granada . . sits on . . two hills
with the Darro River Valley between.
with the Darro River Valley between.
The historic "center" spills . . both directions
The river flows . . under the main square
The river flows . . under the main square
( . . just like it did when kings considered Granada "home" )
Today 300,000 people live here . .
70,000 of them . . Students . . and of them 10,000 . . from abroad.
Gypsies . . are plentiful, 50,000. So are . . 'Hippies' . . from northern and eastern Europe.
( "Many . . are the children of rich Spanish families from the north,
hell - bent on disappointing . . their high - achieving parents" ).
Christopher Columbus is a really big deal here. In fact the Grand Way bears his name . .
This huge Monument anchors the historic end
. . where tourists spend time sorting thru all the memorabilia of Granada's yesteryears . .
Queen Isabel 'commissions' Columbus ( an Italian )
to set sail
( by her "command " .. with her "blessing" .. with her "financial funding" of .. )
☛ The Goal:
find a . . ("Replacement")
Trade Route to . . INDIA and to . . the Orient
We arrive on the weekend of a
Music Festival
The city is abuzz with performers and observers.
Fortunately we get to town in time to find a room . .
'Pension Austria' . . is on this little narrow one - way street
that leads uphill to the . . Alhambra
that leads uphill to the . . Alhambra
My back is to the center of it all . . . 'Plaza Nueva'.
So we can walk . . by choice . . to everything. Many forms of transport are available.
We didn't expect to find Halloween here,
but students always keep things lively . .
A Wedding is going on . . Lots of rice is thrown . . Paparazzi press in
A mini skirt . . feathered . . and several fun hats . . ( a moving focus . . hard to snap in time )
Firecrackers go off as they drive away . . in today's Beetle version . .
Granada's Cathedral is 2nd . . only to Seville's . . in Spain
( one tiny portion shown here )
In the Cathedral is the giant
St. James Altarpiece
showing him with sword in hand
trampling the Arab Muslim invaders . . under the horse's feet
Note the 'horizontal' Organ Pipes (black)
. . unique to Spain we're told
. . unique to Spain we're told
There's so much symbolism . . We're glad to have a Walking Tour outline
or . . we would surely overlook many fascinating details
In the chancel area is a
4 - sided . . Music Stand with . . giant notes
4 - sided . . Music Stand with . . giant notes
for the Choir to read
( no sheet music in those days ) . . .
Music set at sliding scale 'middle C' . . .
Grandfather Clocks ( 2 of them in the Sacristy )
to make certain the Priests were ready "on time" . . no excuses !
. . In a room full of . mirrors . drawers . closets
At one time The Plan was to bury (grandson) King Carlos I and his family
in the . . square niches above the Altar.
When that idea was abandoned by Carlos' grandson ( ! )
an Artist was chosen to paint scenes to cover those unused spaces
"Christian" king Charles V and Spain's "political" title Carlos I
"Christian" king Charles V and Spain's "political" title Carlos I
ARE . . one and the same person . .
And it was Carlos' grandson who decided to build the extravagant . . El Escorial
. . where he would move his royal grandparents in years to come
. . ( I stole a shot here in the Royal Chapel ) . .
Ferdinand is horizontal . Isabel beside him.
Ferdinand is horizontal . Isabel beside him.
Further over and slightly 'lower' is
their son - in - law, Philip the Fair ( handsome ) and ( terribly jealous ) wife, Juana the Mad
Their 4 coffins are on a level below.
(Years later . . Great grandson, Philip II, decided to build Escorial, west of Madrid,
for burial of all the country's royalty . .
( except the 4 buried here )
( except the 4 buried here )
. . ( The eventual Result : . . of bottomless - pit 'Spending' . . plus the Upkeep
started the . . downward . . spiral . .
that sent Spain into . . long - lasting financial ruin )
that sent Spain into . . long - lasting financial ruin )
Isabel's own written request ( a month before she died ) . .
was to be buried
in Granada . . in the modest Franciscan Monastery at the Alhambra
( today converted into a Parador / hotel )
. . where, in fact, she and Ferdinand were originally buried.
This was The ( Alhambra ) Place she ( and later he ) laid
. . The Wording of her wishes left the door open for 'transfer' of remains . .
IF . . ' her Royal Highness ' . . chose
to be buried in a cathedral or monastery . . elsewhere
. . She wanted to be with him in HEAVEN . . as she was on EARTH
This Wall - Sized Painting shows :
the Moorish Arab Muslim ► BOABDIL ◀︎ ( in black and on black HORSE ),
► HANDING OVER the 'KEYS' . . . to the kingdom ◀︎
. . . to King Ferdinand ( in red )
. . crowned Queen Isabel wearing white SHAWL riding on the white HORSE . .
Christian victory over Islam
. . not only in Spain . . but in all of Europe . .
that lasted more than 700 years !
that lasted more than 700 years !
( Say it out loud several times . .
so the reality of ( MORE THAN ) a 700 year fight will sink in ! )
so the reality of ( MORE THAN ) a 700 year fight will sink in ! )
Definitely a momentous turn in history !
. . ( Displayed in the lobby entrance of the . . Royal Chapel ) . .
And that's not all . . Rusty and Wrinkles will create a Part 2 for Granada . . stay tuned !
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