Friday, October 6, 2017

Swtz10 - Luzern

LUZERN   .   ( loot - SAIRN )  .  "Lucerne" to many countries
Latin for . . "lamp"  (laterna)
(story goes . . town was founded around a monastery
and an angel shone a heavenly light on this spot

On the 'confirmation' page from the Interlaken hostel related to our next stop here  . . it stated that
arrival in  Luzern  and  bus  transportation  to  Bellpark Hostel
would be covered by simply showing the same printout  . .  if asked for a ticket.
It worked.   Rolling our bags 38 minutes down the sidewalk was not necessary.

All these train stations are good looking  .   heavily used by both locals and tourists
and are like small 'cities' with Tracks  .  Subways  .  Food  .  Currency Exchange offices
Tourist Information  .  Shopping temptations  .  and lots of people.

The obligatory picture . . so when people back home ask
"Did you see the  . .  LION ?"
. . we can say  . .  "Sure did!"
Our  2nd hostel  (Lion Lodge) . . was  1 block . .  from . . "the LION"

Thinking of what we said earlier about Switzerland and its'  INDEPENDENT  spirit . .
. .  during years of  'hard times'  . .
Swiss men were willing to be hired by other neighboring countries
as   MERCENARIES   (professional soldiers hired to serve in a foreign army) 
fighting causes that benefit other countries in war.
Hundreds of Swiss died . . gave their lives . . in this way.
This  LION  Memorial
remembers a particular fight  (the French Revolution)
but it also marks . . a decision to let others fight their own battles.
( the U.S.A. knows how you feel,  Switzerland ! )

This explains the  LION  .  the tears  .  the spear in the side  .  the remembering of  "LOSS"
(some killed . . some executed)
33 feet long . . 20 feet tall
resting his paws on a shield  .  head cocked to one side
in his side a broken off end of a spear
slowing killing the noble beast

Many people immediately think   BRIDGE   when Luzern in mentioned.
CHAPEL  Bridge  . .  was originally part of the city's  defense system . .
It has suffered  FIRE  damage and been re - built . .
It now has paintings including a human giant  .  bones  .  an angel
a monastery  .  patron saints  .  and
'skeleton'  reminders that  no one can escape  death

This year the seasonal flower boxes are  GREEN  and  WHITE
So far  'chill'  has not touched their healthy growth

You will find yourself crossing  Chapel  Bridge  both ways  many times
The view on both sides frames the city .  the lake .  and  mountains

and you'll wait to see the evening  'look'  when the lights come on

We saw a few tourists take advantage of  free  bicycles  lined up along the lake

On our self - guided  Walking Tour
we come upon  . .  Mr. and Mrs. Fritschi   (center, top row)
Nanny and Jesters on each side
celebrating Luzern's biggest event . . annual  FASNACHT  (Mardi Gras) celebration
2nd row . . the Cock rows at 5 a.m. on  . . the Thursday before Ash Wednesday
the Fritschis arrive in the wagon to kick off the festivities
You see  oranges  being thrown
marking the beginning of . . SPRING !

This  Hirschenplatz Square is named after the Hirschen  ("Deer") Restaurant
with this elaborate golden sign
(and many more interesting things we have to omit from this blog due to time)

The Promenade across the river from the train station
is particularly inviting.   Many people stroll with babies, enjoy the lakeside setting . .
 sit and read or . . visit on benches

Jesuit Church   (Jesuitenkirche)
is dedicated to Francis Xavier  (co-founder of the Jesuit Order)
. . established to empower Catholics . . during the Protestant Reformation
( look closely . . there is a  WEDDING  party and all the attendees seated up front )

We've seen several  "Holy Cow!"  eateries . . must be a Swiss chain.
Cows are definitely a big part of Swiss everyday living . .
Can't help wondering what India's  HINDUS  would think about this !!

Down river is a remedy to regulate water flow . . Luzern has the responsibility
to protect villages downstream

Can't leave out this  "SPREUERBRÜCKE"  (Mill Bridge) . .
 the 'original'  paintings include Luzern's (seen everywhere)  giant .
city banners under the double eagle of the Holy Roman Empire
. . a reminder that the emperor granted free status  (hands off)  to the city . .
The reverse side shows  . .  Judgment Day
with some going to heaven and others to hell
(remember the reformer John Calvin's emphasis on . .  Double  Pre-Destination . .
see the Geneva blog re: Calvin's  T.U.L.I.P.  acronym)

Must catch up on blogs   . .  we've been in  Deutschland for a few days
So many things going on each day
We're doctoring early signs of a cold . . adjusting to different weather conditions.


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