Moving into . . "Deutschland" . . GERMANY
➤ (we've skipped Zurich, Switzerland - too expensive
so we also missed seeing Zwingli's Church there . .
Ulrich Zwingli
✔️ agreed with Martin Luther on many issues, but . .
➤ they went . . separate ways . . on the topic of . .
( also referred to as )
➤ Zwingli was a major force in the early "REFORMED" split among Protestants . .
believing The Lord's Supper only "represented" . . "memorialized"
Christ's sacrificing His Body and shedding His Blood for the sins of mankind.
Zwingli and Luther were only 7 weeks different in age.
John Calvin (Geneva) was a generation younger
& felt Zwingli & Luther "didn't go . . FAR ENOUGH " . . in REFORM
✔️ During Medieval times (500 - 1500 A.D.)
Germany was divided into . . 300 'KINGDOMS'
Each Kingdom had
its' own . . KING
its' own . . CASTLE
its' own . . COINAGE
its' own . . Weights and Measures
➤ Martin Luther . . lived during late Medieval / late 1400s into 1500s / early Renaissance period
➤ Germany is the . . Land of . . PROTESTant REFORMation
and CATHOLIC . . "Counter" - Reformation
➤ which CHANGED WORLD HISTORY . . A monumentally "pivotal moment"
There will be more information coming up later
✔️ During Mid - 1800s . . Germany was . . 35 'COUNTRIES'
✔️ Today . . Germany is . . 16 'STATES'
(There's a lot to digest in this country . . for BETTER and for WORSE
We'll touch on a number of things in yet to be written Blogs)
Notice "Deutchland's" comparative SIZE
(also similar to area of Montana)
(also similar to area of Montana)
We're beginning in the far south . . in the State of . . Bavaria
In the little Bavarian Alps town of . .
(homebase to see . . 2 famous Castles)
Does the name "Wittlesbach" . . rings any bells in your brain?
"Mad King LUDWIG"
is from the . . House of Wittelsbach
. . son of Ludwig I
. . grandson of Maximillian I
. . son of Ludwig I
. . grandson of Maximillian I
His relatives ruled this part of Bavaria for nearly . . 700 years !
These views show his boyhood home
The WITTELSBACH's 'reign' overlapped the HABSBERGS
(next door in Vienna, Austria and beyond . . it's a very long broad deep fascinating story)
The region is mountainous and heavily forested
Quite a playground for young LUDWIG and his smaller brother OTTO
Imagine these grounds being YOUR back yard . .
Ludwig loved nice things . architecture . privacy . building things
From ONE of the "homes" he was building for himself
he could see his childhood home . . over there
looking like this !
The childhood home was called
From Hohenschwangau his could watch thru a telescope
the progress being made on . . his OWN Property
which he called
It's so large and so forested and so steep it's awkward to get a good pic.
A good-sized Model of what the entire castle would have looked like . .
had Ludwig been able to complete his dreams . .
had he not been found dead just prior to his 41st birthday
after being declared insane (never having been examined even once)
Reason for his death (found dead in a lake . . no evidence on site) still unknown
He . . was "crazy" about building beautiful places . .
His countrymen . . might have gone "crazy" worrying about the money Ludwig was spending . .
He . . was "crazy" about building beautiful places . .
His countrymen . . might have gone "crazy" worrying about the money Ludwig was spending . .
Side view
He was spending a lot of his own money as well as borrowing borrowing borrowing
Today Bavaria is raking in a bundle from tourism seeing this and several other castles he was building
Ludwig loved the SWAN for a Symbol . . everywhere on his property
as Motifs on the walls and ceiling
as sculpture in and outside the castle
as fountains and furniture
as fountains and furniture
as dishware and cooking utensils
Trekking between the shuttle bus and the castle itself . . there are good spots to sneak a shot
From the castle most people do the climb to
St. Mary's Bridge
hoping for the best possible view.
St. Mary's Bridge
hoping for the best possible view.
In spite of the dreary weather all are surprised at the number of people
up here . . instead of down in some cozy cafe !
The long line takes at least half hour before we step on to the bridge
The clouds kept rolling around . . sometimes the view was pure white
This . . was the best we could find
Back down at the shuttle bus stop . .
look hard . . behind us on the hill thru the fog is the "castle"
The little town of Fussen (FEW-zen) is very busy feeding, housing, and transporting visitors.
The town has existed since the days of the "stocks" (as in . . 'punishment' . . not investments)
We unpacked and repacked here at "L.A." Hostel (first initials of the he and she owners)
Also referred to as Zimmer, B&B, Chambre, and all the rest.
Enjoyed "BRIDEY" (mgr. from Australia) . . (name sounds like 'wedding' bride, she says)
Enjoyed "BRIDEY" (mgr. from Australia) . . (name sounds like 'wedding' bride, she says)
Time to move further north to the town famous for "Oktoberfest"
See you there!
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