Friday, October 13, 2017

GDL04 - Nurnberg Nazi Rally Grounds . Documentation Cntr . Art Bunker +

Nurnberg is quite an impressive city
Many historical events here


amazing place
Everyone uses headphones in their own language
Tells the whole story  (no excuses  . .  no holds barred)

Hitler  and   Albert  Speer  (architect)
worked together 
to construct a gigantic meeting place in  . .  Nurnberg
(formerly used by the Holy Roman Empire)
to now become the 3rd Reich  (3rd Empire . . this time "GERMAN")

A special temporary exhibit displaying the volumes of materials about Speer
and his scheming with Hitler

 Speer's  "MASTER"  (?) . . we all have to decide  who  and  what  we give our lives to

They intended to build a Congressional Hall . . twice the size of Rome's Coliseum

The reason so much is known about them is because they were  . .  meticulous record keepers
In this section . . cards document every member . . every person executed . . 
the name and place and date and "final solution"

The Documentation Center has constructed an arm to walk out into the
never completed  "Congressional Hall"
so visitors can experience the size and magnitude of their dreams.

People can walk down and enter the remains of 
Hitler's and Speer's intended  . .  Congressional Hall

The Interior was to look like this . . 
including a cover above.

The Lake separates the unfinished Congressional Hall from Zeppelin Field


where Hitler held his Annual Rallies with hundreds of thousands participating . .
We're going  UP THERE  . .  (where the boys are standing)
so we can see the view the way Hitler saw it . .
Come on up !

"Just because . ."

We're omitting some big numbers in this story

Zeppelin  Field is  . .  BIG
forms a giant circle
with parade route that passed right by the  . .  BIG  GUY's  Center  Top  Box
"MEGA"  . .  fits  the megalomaniac 


WWII  historic  ART  BUNKERS

Nurnberg was certain they would be bombed . .  which they were . .
later . .  than other places
so they busily crated up as many valuable
 paintings  .  stained glass  .  statues
crowns  .  and more
and put them underground beneath the heavily fortified  Nurnberg Castle.
The guided tour with English headsets
takes place 'underground'
(Martin Luther memorabilia included) 

Depending on the item . . suitable crates were made to fit the item(s)

Numerous tunnels go in all directions under the castle  (and beyond)
From the hallways . . smaller rooms are excavated to store the crated goods.

6 - 8 foot thick iron doors  (lockable) secured the stored items
from theft as well as bombs


(& the  Visitors  Gallery  for . . Foreign Press)
(. . who watched the proceeding from 3 small windows above)

where perpetrators of the NAZI  Regime
were put on Trial
12 were sentenced to death by Hanging
One committed Suicide in his cell
Too many  got off scot free

This  War Crimes Trial Event 
(lasting  almost  12  months) 
was the beginning of any kind of  
It was the beginning of 
such topics as . . 

among numerous other topics 
has an excellent exhibition
clearly laying out the monumental influences  &  . .   resulting changes
going on in the 
early 1500s
and the 95 Theses 
(explorations of the  MIND  and the  SOUL ) . .  
that led to events way beyond his imagination or control

and at the same time
 and his 
explorations of the  LAND  and the  SEAS )
 . .  & wealth brought back to Europe
and . . also in the similar time frame

  and his  (explorations of the  SUN  and the  STARS in the Sky) . . 


We 'll try to find a  Nurnberg TRIALS  pic and include it ASAP
We're alive and very well
busy . . loving it all

Catching up is a challenge . . to say the least

If Only you were here to see it all with us !

More to come,
Rusty and Wrinkles


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