(Little by little we're getting a few pics added . . to what began as a photo - less blog)
. . we'll list a number of things that are filling a string of very sunny days!
. . Gutenberg Printing Press
( Played a major role in the . . "Reformation" )
( Played a major role in the . . "Reformation" )
Gutenberg Bible
There are several levels telling the story of "Print"
and of Gutenberg's part in Press history
There are several levels telling the story of "Print"
and of Gutenberg's part in Press history
Of course . . machines changed over the years ..
like computers . . they became smaller and more efficient
( Cameras are only allowed on the bottom level )
In an almost totally black dark room . . somewhere upstairs . . is
"THE" . .
Gutenberg Bible itself . . carefully preserved . .
(eventually our eyes adjusted - no photos allowed)
Many new occupations began as a result of PRINT capability:
Book making
Sign - making
Letter writing and Postal Services
written exams
. . Cathedral . . "BONES . . of the 3 Magi"
Going back to the 13th Century . .
you can climb over 500 steps inside the highest church tower . . in the world
(located immediately beside the train station)
Trying to figure out where to stand to get MORE of this cathedral into ONE photo . .
I was surprised to find that my camera lens had drawn a box
around the "FACE" of the GARGOYLE ( below . . on the right ) !
Going back to the 13th Century . .
you can climb over 500 steps inside the highest church tower . . in the world
(located immediately beside the train station)
Trying to figure out where to stand to get MORE of this cathedral into ONE photo . .
I was surprised to find that my camera lens had drawn a box
around the "FACE" of the GARGOYLE ( below . . on the right ) !
HUGE . . what else can you say!
Hopefully . . inspiring Worship and Gratitude (more than just visitor picture - taking)
(when we were here in 1985 we couldn't get inside . . and the exterior was surrounded with scaffolding
. . major renovation in process. So . . "finally" we have returned . . 3+ decades later !)
Centuries ago . . Bones of the 3 Magi are said to be contained in this "reliquary"
and . . donated to . . Cologne's Catholic "Dom" . . establishing this place
as a major pilgrimage site ever since
. . Where Luther did all his college and seminary studies
. . The Church where he became a . . Monk
The DOM Cathedral where Martin Luther was Ordained a Catholic Priest
Who knows? Maybe Luther's feet walked . . where we . . "sit"
The Setting in the Chancel
Erfurt's Dom Cathedral . .
➤ where Luther was Ordained a Catholic Priest
( 30 minutes west of Erfurt )
Martin Luther may have been riding in a wagon similar to this . . when he was kidnapped leaving WORMS . . where he refused to "recant" and
was declared a "heretic"
Martin Luther may have been riding in a wagon similar to this . . when he was kidnapped leaving WORMS . . where he refused to "recant" and
was declared a "heretic"
Only mules would have been able to climb the incline up the long trek through the forest
Luther was taken to . . Wartburg Castle . . (in Eisenach)
and hidden in disguise as "Junker Jörg" for . . 10+ months
and during that time he began translating the New Testament
from Greek into the German language of his homeland
(the photo . . disguised -"look" as Junker Jörg . . is for tourist - pilgrim benefit)
(the 'green' is a facsimile of 'heating' used in the late 1400 - early 1500s)
(the photo . . disguised -"look" as Junker Jörg . . is for tourist - pilgrim benefit)
(the 'green' is a facsimile of 'heating' used in the late 1400 - early 1500s)
We enjoyed this Wartburg Castle in Eisenach . . day tripped by train to / from . . ERFURT
(no photos allowed inside)
Included a multi-room massive Reformation exhibit . . truly "outstanding"
(headsets included for a variety of languages)
Holocaust Memorial of 140 empty chairs emphasizing . .
( . . don't just . . SIT . . there . . )
"Stand Up . . and . . Do the right thing"
( . . don't just . . SIT . . there . . )
"Stand Up . . and . . Do the right thing"
Bach and Mendelssohn Monuments
In front of Mendelssohn
we had a long in-depth visit with an Iraqi woman . .
daughter . . and Iranian husband / father
(traveling Berlin to Switzerland)
In front of Mendelssohn
we had a long in-depth visit with an Iraqi woman . .
daughter . . and Iranian husband / father
(traveling Berlin to Switzerland)
St. Thomas Church . . where Bach played organ and directed . . 4 church choirs
( including Boys Choir ) for . . 27 years
( including Boys Choir ) for . . 27 years
Martin Luther . . introduced Leipzig to "Protestantism" here at . . St. Thomas . .
preaching the Sermon that . . Pentecost day . . ( 1539 )
preaching the Sermon that . . Pentecost day . . ( 1539 )
Daytrip to
Monument to the Battle of Nations
(outskirts of Leipzig)
Monument to the Battle of Nations
(outskirts of Leipzig)
when Germany succeeded in pushing Napoleon . . back into France (early 1800s)
( with the help of . . Prussia . Austria . Russia . Sweden )
➤ Largest battle in European history until World War I (early 1900s)
( more than ☛ 100,000 men died )
From what we've learned . . Germany has lost more wars ( by far ) than it won
We'll give them this "hooray"
It looks ( from pics ) like they use the reflection pond for fireworks extravaganzas at times
During our visit the pond area was torn up
. . getting the space ready for . . winter "iceskating"
in a few weeks
St. Nicholas church in . . Leipzig . . is where Leipzig citizens gathered every Monday for "Prayer for . . Peace"
protesting quietly against . . Communist rule
( this was East Germany . . and after Naziism ended )
(They also gathered in candlelight regularly in Augustus Platz with increasing numbers from '82 - '89)
Secret Police . . tried to . . "stoke" protesters to violence
They failed . .
because they ( SS ) were prepared for any behavior . . EXCEPT . .
candlelight and prayer of . . 320,000 ( ! )
because they ( SS ) were prepared for any behavior . . EXCEPT . .
candlelight and prayer of . . 320,000 ( ! )
➤ so . . with . . no reason for 'Arrests' . . they allowed the demonstration to . . continue
★ Two and one-half weeks later
November 9, 1989
November 9, 1989
( While cameras were rolling in Berlin . . the heroics of Leipzig were hardly documented
But today Leipzig remains fiercely proud of the crucial role it played
in ousting the Communists through non - violent means.
Just last week they held a candlelight commemoration of that October event. )
We missed it by a couple days
The Marriott Hotel exterior end Wall artistically remembers the massive Leipzig gathering
yearning for . . individual expression . . and . . liberty
( end of communist dictatorial oppression )
We missed it by a couple days
The Marriott Hotel exterior end Wall artistically remembers the massive Leipzig gathering
yearning for . . individual expression . . and . . liberty
( end of communist dictatorial oppression )
Today we day tripped ( from Leipzig ) to Eisleben where Martin Luther was . . Born
Visited the Church of St. Peter and Paul where he was . . Baptized
Visited the Church of St. Peter and Paul where he was . . Baptized
The Chancel and the . . Baptismal Font ( candles are behind . . not on top of font )
Martin Luther name (old spelling) . . and . . Date 1483
Baptized at "1 Day Old"
( infant mortality rate was high )
Luther family home . . ( a World Heritage Site )
( became Germany's 1st Museum . . 1693
. . and . . is one of oldest museums in the world )
. . and . . is one of oldest museums in the world )
3 days . . after preaching his . . last sermon at St. Andrew's Lutheran ( in Eisleben ) . .
Luther DIED
(in his sermon . . he closed saying . . "I'm just too tired to go on . . We'll just have to leave it at that" . .)
Interior of St. Andrew's . . and the Pulpit
Across the street from St. Andrew's were Luther died . .
the exhibition about his various maladies was surprisingly 'extensive' and detailed.
It also included details about his children who preceded him in death
as well as expressions by many who had worked with him for years.
It is all quite an emotional and exhaustive dramatic biography
for a little boy born in a rural village
to a mining father
who wanted his son "Luder" to be a . . LAWYER
His name is everywhere
(in his sermon . . he closed saying . . "I'm just too tired to go on . . We'll just have to leave it at that" . .)
Interior of St. Andrew's . . and the Pulpit
Across the street from St. Andrew's were Luther died . .
the exhibition about his various maladies was surprisingly 'extensive' and detailed.
It also included details about his children who preceded him in death
as well as expressions by many who had worked with him for years.
It is all quite an emotional and exhaustive dramatic biography
for a little boy born in a rural village
to a mining father
who wanted his son "Luder" to be a . . LAWYER
His name is everywhere
including the
official name of the town . .
official name of the town . .
Each one of these topics and places could fill a whole blog . . or rather a whole library !
It's all fascinating . . and we're trying not to rush through things
There is so much to see and digest
Most places allow photos without charging extra.
Before leaving Leipzig tomorrow
we hope to see the Wedding Ring
Luther gave "Katie" . . when Priest married Nun !
Luther gave "Katie" . . when Priest married Nun !
We'll hear much about their family life when we get to Wittenberg in a few days
Asking at Leipzig Town Hall Museum if this was the place to see the RING Luther gave "Katie" . .
They said "If you only want to see one thing we'll take you to it and charge you no entry fee"
so we saved Euro 16 !
(Since then we've seen a very simple ruby ring Luther "first" gave his bride.
The embellished "outer" ring below came later.
(here is displayed under glass . . the "inner" first ring and the "outer" ring)
"Replicas" . . are shown in various other Reformation Exhibits in Germany
Asking at Leipzig Town Hall Museum if this was the place to see the RING Luther gave "Katie" . .
They said "If you only want to see one thing we'll take you to it and charge you no entry fee"
so we saved Euro 16 !
(Since then we've seen a very simple ruby ring Luther "first" gave his bride.
The embellished "outer" ring below came later.
(here is displayed under glass . . the "inner" first ring and the "outer" ring)
"Replicas" . . are shown in various other Reformation Exhibits in Germany
This (below) tells a tad bit about the Ring . . would like to learn more and see more detail.
It was under a high dome glass enclosure.
LOOK FOR : in . . YOUTUBE or just Safari or Search the web
asking for
"A Man Named Martin"
There are now 3 full discs:
The first is . . "The Man"
The second is . . "The Moment"
The third is . . "The Movement"
(each DVD is divided into approximately 15 minute segments
and there are 5 sessions on 1st & 3rd Disc. Disc 2 has 3 sessions)
(each DVD is divided into approximately 15 minute segments
and there are 5 sessions on 1st & 3rd Disc. Disc 2 has 3 sessions)
All three are excellent . . telling what was going on in the Medieval years in both Church and Politics
( even . . before . . the "Catholic" church ! )
( even . . before . . the "Catholic" church ! )
And WHAT LED UP TO the . . "Reformation"
What happened DURING the "Reformation"
and what . . FOLLOWED
It's . . quite mind - boggling ! !
Wish we had time to wade through photos and include oodles of them.
We are pacing ourselves to be in Wittenberg Saturday evening . . Then we'll have some "slack" time
(will have to see it to believe it . . but we keep telling ourselves
there's going to be a "break" here somewhere -
check back to this blog again . . we'll aim to slip in a few pics)
there's going to be a "break" here somewhere -
check back to this blog again . . we'll aim to slip in a few pics)
Almost ALL of these Reformation sites
are located in what WAS ( for . . 40 years ) the divided . . "East" Germany
Must move on
You all are missing out on so many fabulous things
We could use SEVERAL more sets of EYES ( so we could see M O R E )
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