Speaking of Researching your Family Ancestry
. . . This UNESCO World Heritage Site . . .
is one of the granddaddys in the study of Human Existence
Our guide emphasizes that it's NOT that humans "evolved from " APES
but that they SHARE a common ' family of CHARACTERISTICS '
Among them are . . the CAPACITY OF THE
BONES that cover the skull . DIET . UPRIGHT POSTURE.
"Come On Down!"
Jeff has never been in a cave . .
and is very apprehensive about doing something he's never even considered doing
. . going underground.
He wants to know . . . if there are dead bodies in this place
He stays close to us repeating . .
" I'm a little nervous . . I don't know what's going to happen in there . .
I just have to give it a try, I think. "
Part of the fun in caves is looking for SHAPES that resemble something else.
Here we are amused by this giant elephant . . body parts extend to the right . .
seen only with the help of guide's flashlight.
This cave is DARKER than most . .
We feel our way . listen for voices.
In order to show photos I've increased exposure
Lots of stooping over . Hats bumping overhead . Stepping distances crouched down
By tomorrow we feel it on the top of our upper thighs
Jeff keeps saying . .
" I hardly believe this ! I am loving doing this cave stuff.
I never knew about these places . . "
Once we exit . . we are going to turn left
to follow the path overseeing the Valley called . . " the Cradle of Humankind "
. . where the famous skull of " Mrs. Ples " was found
. . dated 3.5 million years old . . ( shown in SA 4 ).
Rusty and Wrinkles are sort of caveaholics . . There's a uniqueness about each cave
This one we notice involves getting through many tight places bent over . .
And it has a nice sized LAKE at the bottom . . filled with ' blind ' SHRIMP and a limestone toothpaste - textured appearance above . . reflected in the water
Jeff stares at the grassy field on top . . and marvels at his discovery today
. . about " all these things I didn't know were down there " . . It's a touching moment.
( We've hired him as our driver and are bringing him with us
as we see sites in this Jo'burg - Pretoria part of South Africa.)
An icy agua 'toast' . . to . . new experiences.
There's more . . . Rusty . Wrinkles . Jeff
on this same day . . head to the . . " Cradle of Humankind ". Let's Go . . .
The Cave looks like fun. We went into a similar cave in Zacatecas.