One thing leads to another in conversation
Long story short . . we ride along with Ugandan "Francis" & his Ugandan friend "Jeff "
from Blue Mango Lodge in Jo'burg to . . SWAZILAND
Francis had lived in Swaziland with his family for 12 years . . teaching business classes . .
plus serving as an unsalaried minister of Vision International Church of God
Born near the Kenya border he speaks highly of his wife (Grace) of about 25 years . . .
. . saying Ugandan women are good and loyal supporters in marriage . .
They have one son (Andrew) in college, one son (Justin) finishing high school
and one daughter (Destiny) in grade school
Jeff did the transporting of the people attending Francis's seminar
. . We together share expenses round trip to Swaziland.
Jeff proves to be not only a careful driver but also extremely helpful and friendly
. . honest and fair. We appreciate his common sense
The reason for the trip
is to pick up a few more of the things Francis is storing with friends . .
since he moved back to Uganda about 10 months ago.
All furniture and large items were sold before the family flew north.
He will fly home to Uganda on RuandAir which unfortunately charges more per checked bag.
( On being back in Uganda ) . .
Francis says he had not appreciated his own country . . until living away from there
. . . or how (willingly) hard Ugandan people work . .
"Ugandans are very ambitious" . . he emphasizes with a smile of admiration
While in Swaziland (a country within the country of South Africa) . .
He shows us the Conference Center for important local and international affairs . .
situated high in the wooded hills.
And he shares tales about the
Head of State here who became KING as a young boy.
He had been sent to London to be educated. At the time of his father's death . .
this 10th grader left school
to replace his father as KING
. . and until today in his 40's
he has enjoyed taking another new wife each year . . . ( at one of two annual national events )
He has enjoyed international travel at the expense of his impoverished citizens . .
and has no knowledge or experience . . then or now . . regarding the important topics of
Jobs . Education . Disease . Infrastructure . or . Leadership in general
Since Apartheid ended and world monies stopped pouring in by the "b" . . billions . .
every measure of living standards has plummeted.
AIDS is rampant . . very few attend school and even fewer . . graduate.
Lifespan is cut in half . The future is grim . but the King is still having fun !!
We return to the Swazi border about 6 a.m. Border closed . . until 7.
Morning air is cool and fresh with bright blue sky. We listen to more stories.
Francis has a good head on his shoulders . . tells it like it is. He's realistic . .
and hopeful that eventually people here will learn . . that there are better ways to live.
They are subject to the king . .
Males are taught to submit to him in fear
Women are the work horses of the country
Small Fruit Stalls gradually open up along the road at the Border at this early hour.
Eventually women and young girls arrive dressed for church . .
to be held in a building on the other side of the Gate
Ezulwini Valley is the 'Go To' location :
between the Capital, Mbabane, and the more active town called Manzini.
IN THAT STRIP are the king's palace
and the
Setting where the . . 2 big events of the year . . take place :
◉ One to Teach Males ' SUBMISSION ' ( to the "KING" )
◉ One where newest young female (even 10 -12 years old) is chosen . . as king's newest wife
Swaziland . . is uniquely Mountainous . very Picturesque . lots of Valleys . lush Green
" Swazi " people . . are . . ZULUS who escaped Torture and Death
. . . by the Dutch . the British . and the rest of the Zulus themselves.
The MILES between . . Swaziland ( country ) . . and Johannesburg ( city in South Africa )
. . are filled with rolling hills and flatlands covered with plantings of EVERGREENS
. . thousands of acres . . harvested for PAPER products and building materials
. . . And enormous CORN FIELDS stretching out for miles and miles . . .
Our delay in getting going with the blog stories involved network issues
. . . ( solved with a local Sim Card ) . . . plus a jam - packed week.
Glad to have you along with us . . . There's a lot to tell !
From South Africa . . . Rusty and Wrinkles
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