Who among us could pass a test . . about the . . HOLOCAUST ???
What does the Holocaust have to do with . . " SOUTH AFRICA " ???
Who among us could pass a test . . about . . ADOLF HITLER ???
Consider the fact that he was 'POPULARLY' elected . . with a great many . . 'ASSUMPTIONS'
( a Warning to all who 'Vote' and to those who think their Vote 'doesn't really matter' )
Note above . . where Hitler was . . when he wrote . . MEIN KAMPF
( his Political Manifesto - re: his Fight / Struggle / Revenge )
How did "Hitler" ( an ➣ Austrian ! ) . . end up .. 'Leading' . . Germany . . ??
✦ 100,000 . . JEWS . . served in the German Army . . during World War I
✦ 12,000 . . JEWS . . died for their country (Germany) in that war . .
✦ 35,000 . . JEWS . . received Metals for their Military Service in that war
. . an UN - deniable Commitment TO Germany !!
In Return . . ( read this over and over until it sinks in deep down ) . .
"Rumors" and "Lies" were circulated ____________
. . that . . "because the ☛ JEWS . . shirked . . their Military . . Duty"
. . THEY ☛ .. were to blame .. for Germany's DEFEAT . . and furthermore
. . THEY ☛ .. caused the Collapse of Currency .. ( all Germany's Financial woes )
( IF you're NOT ANGRY yet . . KEEP RE - READING the details above )
"H I T L E R WILL set aside his radical ideas"
"The ECONOMY WILL recover"
The UN - Forgettable "Heil Hitler" Salute (above)
( He copied it from Italy's Mussolini who had co - opted it from Roman times )
"Where" do Hitler - types head . . STILL . . TODAY ?
To . . University Campuses
. . where persuasive Indoctrination and psychological Manipulation
will be an . . e a s y . . task
. . where fertile young minds willingly and with great pride . .
Welcome new Ideas
UN - Suspicious Trust
Eager to "Make - a - Difference" and "Change - the - World"
Instead of . . setting his radical Ideology " a s i d e "
. . he got busy . . "SETTING the STAGE" . .
Eliminating 'Opposition' . . gave H I M maximum " CONTROL "
. Terrorizing . Arresting .
Assassinating . . . those who exercised . . . ★ "Freedom of Speech"
Taking CONTROL of the entire "L E G A L SYSTEM"
. . would . . 'put . . himself . . ABOVE' . . the COURTS
For Hitler to . . "get his nose under" the robes . . of the CHURCH
. . would serve his own need to drive a . . poisoned wedge
between . . CHRISTIANITY . . and the . . JEWS . . .
(a shameful period of history . . . that still haunts Christians to this day)
Eric Metaxas's book "Bonhoeffer" reveals the Bishop Mueller relationship with Hitler
CONTROLLING the EDUCATION System would guarantee him
. . 'power' over . . what is taught
. . 'power' over . . those who teach
. . ( a vital tool towards . . putting a wedge between . . parents and children )
. . Propaganda and Indoctrination . .
would now be . . at his command
This story is huge. A blog can only scratch the surface
. . keep digging
. . uncover as many details as you possibly can
It's sickening . . It's despicable . . and it's . . NOT 'ended' . .
Meetings in Berlin . . 'organized' . . ALL LEVELS . . of German society
. . to be part of . . Hitler's . . "F i n a l S o l u t i o n"
Six Killing Centers were set up near . . major railroad lines
. . Two centers were also used as . . Slave Labor Camps . . and Torture Chambers
Put yourself in these shoes . . ( or should I say . . in these . . 'tortured feet' )
Transit & Labor Camps . Concentration Camps . Death Camps . Sites of Mass Murder
Insane Cruelty
. . Experiments of many kinds were done on
. . homosexuals . . twins . . and here on children who
. . as a result of the experiments . . suffered terrible burns
"Slave" Labor . . has applied to many different groups of people . .
Hitler . . ordered . . horrendous amounts of . . 'slave' labor . . using . . 'JEWS'
Name changes . . Tattooing . . Over - crowding . . No sanitation
. . Standing for hours in the cold
Starvation . . Nakedness . . False accusations . . Unending humiliation and abuse
Imagine .. Hitler . . . assigning .. YOU . . to . . DO THIS to other people . .
Imagine . . yourself . . BEing the Jew . . headed to these . . gas chambers
UN - Imaginable !!
Finally . . Church leaders spoke out . . and . . suffered the 'consequences'
. . What happened to the War Criminals ??
( Have we become so callous . . that along with today's Press and political correctness
. . we simply write this off as . . OLD NEWS ??? )
Many LITHUANIAN Jews moved to . . SOUTH AFRICA . .
"Apart - ness" (Aparteid) in South Africa . .
( influenced by the fascist idea of . . 'exclusivity' or . . 'purity of race' )
. . was applied to the newly re - located . . Lithuanian Jews
. . to keep them 'away from' . . ( segregated ).
. . To . . safeguard . . "Africaner" (mostly Dutch) . . identity & racial . . 'purity'
We have to ask ourselves
. . have we become so "fun" - focused
. . so info - "lite" . . so tuned "out" . . so "self" - absorbed
. . so calendar - "cluttered"
. . that we ☛ will not give the Holocaust and other . . in - humane subjects
. . a fraction of our attention ??
"Thank You" Archbishop Tutu . .
While we digest what we've just seen . . inside Cape Town Holocaust Center
. . we sample a Jewish meal . .
Leaving the Center . . we're glad to have this pleasant walkway
. . A shady T H I N K place
Be SOBERED wiith Rusty and Wrinkles . . As much as we prefer "musicals" . .
we know that people who suffer
deserve not to be forgotten . . OR . . mis -characterized
Why is ANTI - Semitism . . gaining ground . . again . . today ??
Ursula Hegi 's Stones From the River - A novel that tells the amazing leadership of Hitler and how the young people followed http://www.amazon.com/Stones-River-Ursula-Hegi/dp/068484477X
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