Mini Moments - Tidbit Scenes along the way . .
RIVERSDALE . . is a Dutch Town . . with lots of rooms rented out
. . listed as B 'n Bs . . and as Hostals . . and as Backpacker Guest Houses.
Most of these are owned by . . 3rd Generation . . "AFRICANERS "
. . We learn this refers mostly to . . Dutch ( not exclusively . .
generations ago from the Netherlands Flemish 'north' . . )
. . And here in South Africa . . they speak a Modified Version of Flemish Dutch
( which they say is already quite Simple . . very "Descriptive" ) . . and it's called . . "Africaner"
"Sleeping Beauty" . . identifies ( not the guests ) . . the nearby "Mountain" !
Notice the date . . revealing HOW LONG this property has been " IN THE FAMILY "
. . One - and - a - Third Centuries !! ( Hard to fathom )
Typically the new Bride moves into the home her Groom grew up in.
. . By now their family is grown . . and they are still on the same property.
. . True of this couple too.
An exciting Rugby game is 'on' . . They're not only big fans
. . but a family friend is on the French team . . and these two are 'glued' to the screen
. . ( sorry . . the photo isn't crispy clear ) . .
They insist their pooch is very loveable and friendly . . It takes a while . . to convince . . ME !
There are 17 Churches in Riversdale . . We attend this one.
. . Parts of the service are in English. It happens to be Confirmation Sunday.
Approximately 20 are in the class. One Confirmand is baptized also.
Guitars and several Instrumentalists provide the Music . . Words are projected on Screens
SURFERS . . find the waves they crave . . all along the southern coast.
This Victorian home . . has been converted into a Backpacker Residence
. . four short blocks from . . Knysna's . . Main Drag
. . ( "Kny" . . rhymes with "why" . . silent K )
" Fisher " ( from Malawi ) manages our Knysna Hostal
. . His hearty Ho - Ho puts a smile on every face.
When the Electricity fails . . his Candles are already in place
. . and in no time . . ( from his front porch ) . . our whole temporary family of acquaintances
. . enjoy the distant Lagoon view . . even more . . by flickering flame.
N I C E !
Not the "Pony Express" . . don't know how typical Motor Bike Delivery is . .
There are two . . Quays . . in Knysna
. . the OLD one . . has no trouble . . attracting the hungry at dinner time.
Browsers are always hunting for the perfect souvenir
. . and Kynsna has earned a Reputation as sort of a Junior - Sized
(Cape Town - like) Victoria and Albert Waterfront - 'Lite' hangout.
Upper & Lower levels of eateries . . line the quiet little harbor . .
Sun sinks . . . Moods mellow
The ocean is always right around the corner . . We're coming to Storm's River Mouth
. . and the Suspension Bridges at . . Storms River National Park
The Park has a . Restaurant . Overnight Camping spots . Picnic Tables
The Shoreline is as rugged as the deep Ravines . .
Approximately 1.5 Mile Walk . . to the destination of BRIDGES
. . Shady and somewhat Challenging in a couple places . .
Peek - a - boo VIEWS steal our attention . .
One Bridge is "stripped" . . ( under Repair ) . .
Two others get all the traffic . .
They're longer . . and higher . . than they look. Rock below . . resembles Petrified Wood.
The name "Storms River" describes
. . the wild weather this section of the coast has endured over the years . .
Southern Garden Route becomes more humid further east near Durban.
This stretch also gets the Most Annual Rainfall
. . We've tried to schedule our being here during the drier period . . ( so - far - so - good )
Kayakers make good use of the Current . .
A CLASSROOM is set up in the midst of Park Trails . .
Temperature is perfect . . somewhere between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit
Storms River - Tsitsikamma National Park area
has so much going on.
. . It's a very popular location for South African vacationers as well as for Tourists.
. . Let's go look around . .
Rusty and Wrinkles will meet you in the next blog post
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