Saturday, September 12, 2015

CEu03 - Berlin Arrival - On to Oranienburg

We  arrive  in  East Berlin  just  after  dark  on  Sept.  9 . . .
and  step  out  into  a  drop  of  65  degrees
compared  to  the  103  degree  Fahrenheit  when  we  left  home.

From  our  room  we  look  right  onto  the  TV  tower
with  the  well - known  Ball - shaped  globe
that  catches  the  sun's  rays  many  hours  of  the  day
in  the  unmistakable  shape  of  a  . .   CROSS.
Communist  leaders  on  the  East  side  tried  many  things
to  eliminate  or  erase  the  CROSS  . . .  ( unsuccessfully ) 
And  so  was  born  . .  the  phrase  . .   "The Pope's Revenge" . .  
Sort  of  an  exciting  reminder  that  the  Presence  of  the  Holy  Spirit  is  UNExtinguishable!

( The  tower  isn't  tilted  . . . We  are.     We've  missed  a  night's  sleep  . . .
so  we're  now  headed  . . . 'horizontal' . . . )

The  view  ( above )  is  right  outside  the  window  from  our  room  ( pic below ).
A  very  nice   'crowded  &  cramped'   space  for  a  very  high  price.

Some  are  interested  in  the  amount  of    ( or  lack  of )   
'stuff'  we  travel  with / without  . . .
2  Carry - On  sized  bags
( that  we  do  'check'  upon  airport  arrival  before  each  departure )
This  is  the  sum - total  of  what  we  wheel  along  on  each  trip !

During  the  wee  hours . .  2  a.m.
( we'll  need  to  adjust  to  local  time - zone ) . .
we  decide  to  get  a  2 - day  Welcome  Card
 ( when  day  light  arrives )
and  head  straight  to  Hitler's  1st  and  nearest  Concentration  Camp
approximately  45  Minutes  North  by  Train.
There  are  many  transportation  options.
This  destination  offers  .  Tram  .  Bus  .  Train  .  ( whatever )
in  A  .  B  .  and  C  map  sections  . .  including  the  'outer  rim'  of  Berlin.


I'll  show  . .   our  room  in 
( up  North )  so  you  can  note
the  practical  bedding
that  I  think  will  be  typical  at  . .  all  price  levels  . .

a  fitted  bottom  sheet  . . .  with  a  fluffy  warm  Comforter
( separate  one  for  each  person )
ends  folded  under  neatly  and  then  turned  sideways  . .  ( no  top  sheet ).
Nice - looking  and  easy  to  deal  with  the  next  a.m.

The  pillows  in  this  room  are  square  and  the  whack  in  the  middle
gives  a  rabbit  ears  - look  . .  kind  of  fun.
We  remember  this  style  from  our  first  European  trip  back  in  the  mid - 80's

This  Zimmer  or  Pension  is  less  than  half  the  price  of  the  Berlin  room  ..
plus  this  room  has  twice  as  much  space 
..  includes  breakfast  ..
and  has  lots  of  ..  sitting  places  ..  inside  &  out  ..  with  lake view  ..
in  a  large  oak  tree  forest  setting  ..  ( with  dropping  acorns )
There's  more  than  1  eating  area  .. 
one  is  strictly  Pub  seating.

The  2 - generation  German  owners  moved  here
when  they  bought  the  business
just  5 - years  ago.
 Tonight  is  a  party  to  celebrate  that  anniversary.
( Note  the  giant  Chess  game  ..  ready  for  action  ..
in  the  center  of  this  end  of  the  large  patio )

From  our
Waldhaus  Zimmer  . .
we  can  walk
 to  the  memorial  grounds
used  by  Hitler  to . .

Train  Guards

Test  Genocidal   Materials 

Produce  Counterfeit   Money

" Sachsenhausen "  is  the  place.     Coming  next  in  Blog - Post  4  . . .


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