The Largest . . of the 8 Species of . . BAOBAB TREES . . grows in Southern Africa.
Searching the Internet you find a number of Names and Shapes . .
Like this one . . Easy to understand why it would be referred to as . . BOTTLE TREE . .
Or THIS shape . .
And several . . Labelled the . . UPSIDE DOWN TREE . . ( here a forest of them ) . .
appearing like ROOTS . . in the Sky . . rather than underground . . ( their 'signature - look' )
More curious is the name . . MONKEY BREAD TREE
. . Monkeys . Baboons . Elephants . . all love to eat Baobab PODS ( fruit )
. . Vitamin C - in one fruit equals - 4 oranges . .
. . Giving it the reputation . . 'King of the Super Fruits '
. . SEEDS are high in . Calcium . Oil . Phosphates . Protein
. . LEAVES ( new, young ) also rich in . Calcium . are used as . Spinach
. . SHOOTS ( new 'Starts' out of the ground ) are eaten as . Asparagus
Limpopo Province in the North Eastern corner of South Africa . .
Is . . home to many very old . . Baobabs
We are just far enough North to hunt down a couple of them . . that are said to be
more than . . 2, 0 0 0 years old.
Swollen STEMS store massive amounts of Water to cope with lengthy times of . . drought.
Swollen STEMS store massive amounts of Water to cope with lengthy times of . . drought.
The Interior is Hollow . . Going inside is encouraged.
"Doesn't become handsome until . . 8 0 0 years old !"
Climbing Up . . convinces you that . . 'PERSPECTIVE' . . matters !
Baobab's fibrous TRUNK is woven into . Mats . Paper
BARK . . makes very potent . Beer . Tea
Baobab's have . . NO Sequence of Growth 'RINGS'
. . making Age 'estimates' difficult and IN - accurate
This man . . tends the . . Guest Book - Collects 10 Rand ( $1 ) . . from each Visitor.
The largest Baobab is on a farm . . near Modjadjiskloof ( N.E. South Africa )
It's called the SUNLAND Baobab . . Nicknamed . . the Pub Tree
Since the 1930s . . it has entertained customers . . outside on Picnic Tables . .
and inside the Trunk on benches under a 13 foot hollow ceiling.
At approximately 1000 years of age . . the trunk begins to hollow out . . in some cases divide
This oldest / largest one (possibly) is 108 Feet around the Trunk . . About 75 Feet tall
South of the Equator . . it's Spring Bloom takes place October - December.
Flowers open late afternoon into the night . . wither and fall within 24 hours.
Blossoms are White in color and can be 7 - 8 Inches in diameter.
That would be something to see !!
TREE 'found' . . . We're not 'lost'.
Driving N1 . . South toward Pretoria . . time flies . . We are deep into conversation with Jeff
. . about Family . . about Uganda . .
about 'Heads - of - State' who don't "love their country" ( a big problem in Uganda )
( no matter what their 'Lips' say . . 'Actions' speak volumes )
And we talk about Hollywood . . does it portray the people of the U.S. accurately ?
Furthermore .. WHO and WHAT is . . 'Hollywood' ?
( many foreigners "learn ENGLISH" by watching Hollywood movies )
What is "Wealth" . . What does "Rich" mean . . What is "Poverty" ???
What is "Dependency"? Why are dependent people so easily 'USED' . . by politicians ?
Is the 'route OUT of Dependency . . EVER . . via . . 'politics' ?
What does . . ( political ) 'Dependency' . . have in common with . . ( self - inflicted ) 'Slavery' ?
Next . . final blog / post of 1st Qtr 2015 . . Rusty and Wrinkles last day in Southern Africa . .
We weigh heavily the value of . . "3" VERY IMPORTANT WORDS . . .
Hmmm . . 'WORDS' . . do . . matter.
Wow - so many adventures to catch up on! Fun!