When asked if we saw lots of Animals in Kruger . . we catch ourselves saying . .
"Not many"
But when I look at the list I wrote as we spotted them . . I think
"Not many"
But when I look at the list I wrote as we spotted them . . I think
"Well . . quite a few . . actually !"
I guess it's because long gaps of time go by . . in a day's search . .
And just about the time you are tempted to give up . . you are rewarded with a 'find'.
Summer - time GREEN GROWTH gives animals lots of privacy . . making it harder to see them.
And frequent RAIN . . provides enough Water . .
that heading for a Watering - Hole isn't necessarily needed . .
Tourists can't 'expect' to find them there.
Interestingly though . . at Kruger Park . . we found
more activity at Watering - Holes than in other Parks.
So we wondered . . "Is this a . . social . . place ? . . An animal . . 'Hang - Out' ?" Maybe !
One of the 2 Biggies we haven't yet found is the . . WATER BUFFALO
. . like this wall deco in one of our overnight lodges . .
We have to settle for this 'Rear' View . . and we find it here in Kruger ! Oh well !
Lots of HIPPO . . in Kruger Watering Holes . .
( While I type . . my brain remembers their low - toned 'snort ' . . wonder what they're saying ? )
HIPPO are the 3rd Largest Land Animal . . yet . . NOT . . part of the . . Big 5.
Mouth measures 2 feet across
Teeth so razor - sharp they can . . rip a small boat . . in two
Many Africans have been killed by Hippo
. . they aggressively protect their TURF & . . their YOUNG.
Their IVORY tusk - like INCISOR TEETH are even more valuable than Elephant Tusk.
GNU or WILDEBEEST are known for their strange build . .
The bulky Front half resembles an OX . .
The spindly Hind half is more ANTELOPE - like
The Mane and Tail look like a HORSE !
They tend to run in large herds . . and
are the preferred prey of Lions and Spotted Hyena.
In the Wild . . GIRAFFE live 10 - 15 years. In a Zoo . . they often age to 25.
They can clean their own EARS with their very long tongue
. . Their 8 foot long TAIL is the longest of any land mammal
. . and the spot 'pattern' is . . unique to each . . animal.
Female 'COWS' have more slender horns. Males are called 'BULLS'.
Giraffe species are a mix . . between CAMEL and LEOPARD !
Herds of 'black and white stripes' confuse Zebra 'attackers'.
Scientists are convinced Zebra see in COLOR !
They can give birth any time of year . . and are socially very 'protective'.
Cross - bred with a Horse . . the off - spring will be a "Zorse" . .
Cross - bred with a Donkey . . will be a "Zonkey" ( or Zebdonk ).
Zebra can be saddled and ridden like a horse
. . but they have never been truly "domesticated"
3 Kinds of Zebra . .
"IMPERIAL" - tallest . narrower Stripes . larger Ears ( mostly in Kenya and Ethiopia )
"MOUNTAIN" Zebra - mostly white with glossy black banded legs.
"PLAINS" Zebra - irregular body stripes . no black bands on the legs . a long white tail.
RHINOCEROS . . ( In Greek : RHINO = Nose CEROS = Horn ).
The Chinese grind up rhino horn and put it in food or use it for 'tea' ! Why?
To cure . Hang - Overs . Gout . Rheumatism . Fever
Or to feed Fertility desires and drives.
The White Rhino ( actually Grey - WIDE - mouthed ) is the 2nd largest land animal . .
weighs over 2,000 pounds . . but has a very small brain !
A Group of Rhino is called . . a "Crash".
"Cape Glossy STARLING" . Roost in Acacia Trees . have large feet for "walking"
Nest in Holes . Live 15 - 20 yrs . Waddle rather than hop . make throaty musical sound .
are thought of as Scavengers . and are plentiful in Southern Africa.
Comparing our day's FIND . . with this Sighting Board . .
We did NOT see in Kruger : Wild Dog . Lion . Cheetah . Leopard
We SAW Lion in Namibia's ETOSHA National Park
The other 3 we didn't see anywhere . so "IN - complete".
Botswana's CHOBI N.P. takes the prize for most Elephants ( thousands )
South Africa's KRUGER put the Water Buffalo . . in our "Found" column.
Patio in . . 'HOEDSPRUIT' . . "Let's Go!" "Let's DO IT!"
"Nourishment" . . Matters
( Jeff is always happy when he can find "PAP" on the Menu )
On the phone . . we hear Jeff say . . "Well, I think we're LOST . . We're trying to find a TREE".
Rusty and Wrinkles clear up that . . Curious Comment . . next . . in SA 34.
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