Dawn at our Zambezi Waterfront lodging camp . .
Little by little Employees arrive and begin a new day's Sweep . Pool - Clean . Table - Wipe
Our minds are still thinking about last night's long discussion
with this Netherlands couple
. . He is now serving as Diplomat in Uganda
They sleep in their 4 - Wheeler as they vacation in many Southern Africa National Parks
Their impressions and on - the - job learning experience
both . . 'in - his - Work' . . as well as . . 'in - their - camping'
. . confirm almost everything we've heard from others
But we have to concentrate on . . today . .
Just above the Waterline to the left . . you see Vic. Falls spray - mist is creating its own Clouds
. . adding color - capture in both Sky and Water Reflection . . Our location is 'above' the Falls
It is pitch black . . when we switch on our lamp
. . and begin to gather what we want with us today in BOTSWANA
. . at CHOBI National Park
A Shuttle Van takes us about an Hour's ride to where we board a little Boat . .
which stops out in the middle . . Announcing . . .
"We are now at . . ' FOUR CORNERS ' . .
Step by Step . . we are handed over from one country's crew . . to another
We wait here at CHOBI Safari Lodge . . to go with the BOTSWANA Boatmen . .
( Note the Canoe - Conversion into Sofa - Seating ! Later we'll return here for "Light Lunch" )
Every Park seems to have huge herds of Deer - Antelope type animals . .
No doubt FOOD for the Meat - Eating bigger beasts.
Lots of Hippo at CHOBI . . some are . . Alone
Some in Groups . . in the Water . .
. . and on Land . . They don't seem to do . . "Mug - Shots".
( Guide says this male 'Lost the Fight' . . Has been 'banished' from the others . .
Now . . Goes - it - Alone !) "CONSEQUENCES" . . . matter !
Okay . . If we had a mirror . . we might see a "Smile" (?) . .
No .. I guess it's "Hip - Hype" for .. "You are Invading .. MY .. Territory !"
Called "MARABOU" stork
. . can get 5 ft tall .. with a 7 - 10+ wing span
. . fly with their neck pulled back (like Heron)
. . the "down" under their tail is used as substitute "fur" because it dyes so easily
. . can get 5 ft tall .. with a 7 - 10+ wing span
. . fly with their neck pulled back (like Heron)
. . the "down" under their tail is used as substitute "fur" because it dyes so easily
Very FEW . . Crocodile . .
Must be in their "Lair" ( tunnel network under the papyrus water plants )
This is a Grin you don't argue with . .
And a set of 'pearlies' . . that accomplishes . . what the toothless 'Ostrich' can NOT do.
This Park's big numbers are . . ELEPHANTS
Getting WET . . is Wonderful !
Getting MUDDY . . is Marvelous !
Topping it off with . . DUST . . is downright . . Dandy !
Just when you think they're "All here" . . . another Parade appears from the Bushes . .
heading for the Bath . . and the . . Water Jug . .
totally unconcerned about Boats . . and Camera - Carrying Visitors
The African Elephant is Earth's Largest Living Land Mammal
They can be 11 Feet Tall . . and weigh over 13,000 pounds !
Curious ? How much does an Elephant drink ? . . . 30 to 50 gallons a day !
And . . 16 Hours a day eats 5% of it's Weight:
Grass . Twigs . Seed Pods . Fruit . Bark . Leaves
( Mom teaches Babe to siphon water into Trunk . . then curl Trunk to pour water into mouth )
We've been on the Boat all morning . .
Thanks to Captain "MOFFAT" . . we've seen a lot from Water Side
"Light - Lunch" ( included ) . . turns out to be a beautiful Buffet . . in timbered setting !
Driver "DAN" takes over in the Afternoon . .
At first "quiet" . . when we start asking questions . . he unloads volumes of Info
Elephants are Going away . . FROM the Water
. . and Coming down . . TO the Water
They of course have the "Right - of - Way" !
Hippopotamus . . are Submerged . . Staying Cool . . beneath Water's Surface
Springbok and friends . . Take a Look . . Stay Alert
★ Mama "El" . . on her 'knees' . . Bathing "Babe"
. . using Trunk to "turn" her Young One over
Too Cute !!
☞ 'Puddle - Side Aunties' chiming in . . "If I were you . . I'd . ."
Inter - related Female Family Groups . . meet at Watering Holes
. . Greeting each other Affectionately . . with Intertwining Trunks
And speaking of . . TRUNKS . . How valuable is this . . TOOL . . ?
It can be a "Weapon" for fighting . . It can Knock Down a Tree . .
This muscular body part serves as a . NOSE . HAND . extra LEG . .
It can Reach almost 8 Yards UP in the trees . . or Delicately Pick Berries close to the ground
PLUS . Siphon Water . Dig . Dust . Grocery Shop . Send Signals . Twist . Coil
Sense of SMELL . . is the elephant's . . most highly developed feature
Male trunks 'sniff' Female 'privates' : "One of you smells fertile .. ready to breed. Is it you ?"
Cushioned Soles pad the FEET
Deaden 'Sound' . Support Weight . Prevent Slippage
2 Round Front feet have 5 Hoofed Toes . Oval Back feet have 4 . . aiding "Balance"
TUSKS . . have their own Story:
No Canine Teeth . . long "INCISORS" store 33% of their Length . . hidden inside the Skull
Longest recorded Tusk was almost 12 feet long . . weighing over 200 pounds
Tusk LENGTH is an "inherited" feature .. rarely found any more
("poached" out of existence)
100 pounds is a more typical weight today
Like a 'preferred' Hand . . ➤ Elephants are Right - Tusked (or) Left - Tusked
The "most - heavily - worked" tusk gradually WEARS DOWN
but . . never stops GROWING
Like Finger - Prints . . Tusks vary in . .
➤ Shape . Thickness . Length . and even 'Direction'
NOTICE . . 2 finger - like structures at the Tip of the Trunk . . aiding in fine - detail work !
EYE - Sight is . . very 'poor'
EARS of an Elephant . . in Africa are Twice as Large ( as those in Asia )
. . and sort of resemble the shape of the African Continent !
Bringing Ears Forward . . fully Extended . . sends Signals / Warnings ( Fear or Anger )
On hot days . . Flapping Ears ( like a fan ) . . can cool the body up to 9 degrees
Scars or Tears on Ears serve to 'Identify' . . similar to Finger - Prints
"And that ain't ALL" folks . . but you get the idea . . fascinating Animal . .
even Eats its Own Poop . . aiding it's poor digestive system ! What ? Say "It isn't so" !!
How Many elephants . . are there . . in CHOBI Park alone ?
Reports range from . . 45,000 - 120,000
One guide said they have been . . culled down to . . 80,000
No matter which number you land on . . let's just say . .
"Endangered ? Count 'em!" . .
African and Asian Elephants are the only 2 Species still in Existence from Prehistoric Times !
"How Long do these elephants tend to live ? 60 - 70 years
And "YES! There are GIRAFFE !"
These . . TALLEST . . animals on earth . . chew their 'Cud' . . like a cow
They have 4 Stomachs . . to help digest the food they eat
Female Horns are smaller . . and tipped with . . Hair
Males can have 2 or 3 extra Horns
Spots darken with Age . . ( the reverse of aging Humans ! )
Eventhough the Giraffe's NECK is . . much longer than a Human Neck . .
➤ BOTH . . have 7 Vertebrae !
When Mama Giraffe delivers her Newborn . . she 'stands' and . .
Baby begins life by . . dropping 6 feet . . to the ground . . without getting hurt
On the Giraffe's TAIL . . each Hair strand is 10 times thicker . . than Human hair
Giraffe SLEEP only about . . 2 Hours a day . . In less than 10 Minute intervals
PREGNANCY lasts . . 15 Months
LONG LEGS make it easy to Walk 10 Miles an Hour
but prevents the HEAD from touching ground . .
Awkward Spreading Apart of Front Legs . . is required . . to drink at Watering Holes
TONGUE 18 - 20 inches in length is bluish - black covered with Thick Bristly Hair
. . helps them gather their beloved leaves from Thorny Acacia Trees
Giraffe's . . HEART . . is largest of any Land Mammal
BLOOD PRESSURE is Twice as High as the average Human
Returning to ZAMBIA's side . . We note the slow Ferry process . .
Bringing 1 large Transport Truck at a time . . across the Water's '4 Corners'
( Vehicles LINE UP on shore . . WAIT their 'turn' . .
first for 'SEARCH' . . then for 'SAIL' )
Silhouetted THUMBS UP . . describes the day . . "THANK YOU", MOFFAT !!
Rusty and Wrinkles will have to live at least a couple more 'CENTURIES' . . .
Life is so full of interesting . . EVERY "THING" . . and . . EVERY "BODY" !!!
You guessed it .. There's more to come !
'Breakfast' at the Falls ? Why not !
Rusty and Wrinkles head for the 'Zambia Side' of Victoria Falls . . next Blog - Post
Don't mess with the Hippos! I hear they can be mean suckers. I think we would look funny with trunks like elephants.