From Seville, "Comes" Bus (company) gets us to TARIFA in about 3.5 hours.
A five minute walk straight downhill brings us to Hostel Villanueva
just outside the Old City wall.
Mgr. 'Pepe' is sitting beside the entry, visiting with neighbors.
We love our renovated room . . even a view to the Strait !
Another five minute walk further downhill is the Port
where we confirm . . verify times of Departure tomorrow.
Boats leave every hour !
Boats leave every hour !
We'll use the Return portion of our Round Trip Ticket
purchased 2 weeks ago
purchased 2 weeks ago
when we crossed the Gibraltar Strait from Africa (Tangier) to Europe (Tarifa) . .
We see the same Red Bus we boarded,
making use of the free 'transfer' to Algecerias
. . a seamless 'Off the Boat - Thru Customs - Onto the Bus' procedure . .
( highly recommendable )
This Port City TARIFA is at the SOUTHERN - MOST 'TIP' of EUROPE !!
Inside Tarifa's Old City wall
the Church of San Mateo ( St. Matthew )
. . on the Town Square bearing the same name . .
includes a number of items of historical interest
We scoot around to find the unique highlights.
Tarifa ➤ was . . a dangerous place during the many years of struggle
between the Arab conquest . . and the Christian RE - Conquest ( RECONQUISTA )
. . right in the cross - hairs of enemy arrival and departure.
➤ Better to 'live elsewhere' . .
➤ This Church tried to encourage people to STAY . .
If . . they "remained" for at least " one year " ( 365 days ) . .
on the 366th day a MASS of THANKSGIVING was held in their honor
. . and they had the 'privilege' of walking through this
' DOOR of . . P A R D O N S '
People still seem to love making use of the same Side Door ( inside view )
Glancing toward Shore as we head uphill in the evening . . we ask
"Could that possibly be ? Sure enough! We can SEE A F R I C A
from this southern European town called Tarifa". Almost touchable . . (20 miles)
Aboard the Boat . . we look back at Tarifa's
Arab Moors demanded 13th Century Christian General ( named 'Guzman' )
to surrender the castle ( OR ) they would kill his son
Guzman refused .. even throwing down his knife !
You guessed it .. the Moors used that knife to slit the boy's throat ..
and sometime later withdrew from Spain and went back to Africa
The town said "Bueno" (Good!) and Guzman became their "Hero!"
Wind & Kite - Surfing attract many young Europeans to
5 - Mile Length of Beachfront.
Tour Boats offer . . Dolphin & Whale Watching
It's not a fancy place, but there are Weekly Flamenco Shows . In - Season Bull Fights
Several Eateries . and a "Jumping - Off - the - CONTINENT " Feeling
Once again . . within 35 minutes . . we change from
LANGUAGE will switch . . from Spanish . . to French and Arabic . .
FOOD will change . . from Tapas . . to Tajines . .
RELIGION will now be . . Islam instead of . . Christian . .
MONEY will convert to . . Dirham instead of . . Euro . .
And TIME on the Clock . . will always be 'at least one hour ' different,
( ➤ using London time and . . ➤ a 'shortened ' version of daylight savings time )
2 Companies make this crossing :
I n t e r S h i p p i n g and F R S
➤ Each Hour of the day .. they alternate Departures.
➤ WALK - ON Passengers can Purchase TICKETS at Ports Upon Arrival
( in Tarifa Spain and in Tangier Morocco ... both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar)
➤ ( One - Way or Round - Trip ).
➤ Customs and Passports are handled On - Board .. hassle - free.
Our Nordic hydrofoil ride comes to about $1 per minute
( $35 per person, each way .. a "deal" .. compared to the 'swim' !)
.. and we arrive a short walk away from Tangier's big square.
arrive at the New Port (Puerto Nuevo) .. almost an hour's shuttle ride east of city center
Rolling our bags along .. T A N G I E R 'S Moroccan Waterfront
we Buy TRAIN TICKETS at the handy .. waterfront SupraTour Office
so we can travel straight on through to RABAT .. ( Morocco's Capital city today )
.. all in a Half Day.
We join a couple Moroccan students ( one is on the far right here )
in their train cubicle.
They immediately pop up to lift our bags to overhead storage.
Later, 3 men from United Arab Emirates join us ..
and a man from Casablanca has replaced the 2nd student who by now has gotten off.
Of the 3 from UAE .. you can guess which one takes the lead in the conversation.
Their favorite place in Morocco so far is Chefchaouen
.. known for its beautiful location .. surrounded by the peaks of the Rif Mts ..
red - tiled roofs . bright - blue buildings . narrow lanes
a mountain village considered by many to be
one of the prettiest towns in this country
It also has Another Side :
42% of Global Production of 'Cannabis' Cultivation
takes place in this Rif region
( Concentrated HASHISH Marijuana ) .
and chemical fertilizers are grown here
An estimated 800,000 people are employed in this economic activity
. . It brings in Morocco's 'lion's share' of Foreign Income.
Typically referred to as 'Chocolate' . . . it's offered as 'Something Special'
And with that story . .
Speedboat Smugglers make a Round Trip to the Spanish coast in One Hour
Traffickers also use Cars and Trucks . . via Ferry
from the Mediterranean coastal towns of
Ceuta . Melilla . Tangier
The man above wearing shirt with white writing
( that says .. "My Game My Rules" )
asks how long we've been married.
Our reply of "54 years" brings howls of laughter from the visiting UAE - ers ..
saying in chorus ..
" Arab men dump their wives and get another within 8 - 10 years ".
Then he pauses adding . . . " I AM happily married ! "
( The 2 Moroccans listen intently ).
We include the close - up of this friendly and typically - Moroccan - looking man
.. as a good example of very European features.
We appreciate his volunteering to see to it that we get off at the one of two stations
that will put us nearest the Sites we want to see
He is another citizen who wants to make sure we are aware that . . .
☞ .. "MOROCCO" was the 1st Country ..
to .. Internationally Acknowledge the (fledgling) .. 1776 United States
as a .. sovereign nation ( Independent . Self - Governing )
☞ .. And that ( in Tangier ) is .. the ONLY
U.S. National Historic Landmark on foreign soil !
☞ + . . Morocco has never broken a Treaty with the United States !
( By now we are wondering why . . 'Moroccans' have been taught these details
. . . and why . . we Americans have not )
Our camera is passed from corner to corner ..
everyone willing to help us remember our rail - ride 'Acquaintances'
Rusty and Wrinkles are noticing clouds in the sky ..
Will weather interfere with our short stay in the .. 4th Imperial City .. Rabat ?
See you there !
Sounds like you had an awesome adventure.
ReplyDeleteThank You, Paul. We appreciated your interest! And, of course, your encouragement to get this iPad .. .. and Melanie's (Apple) help getting us set up and running . . . Wow!