Monday, October 2, 2017

Swtz09 - Interlaken

Moving  . .  northward on the  . .  Swiss Map

We're noticing the title . . "YOUTH"  HOSTEL  . .  has mostly disappeared.
Hostels now regularly serve   all  ages  (& families)  with a variety of rooms and bed arrangements.
They now accommodate those who book in  Zimmers, Budget Hotels, Cameras, B&Bs etc.
Bathrooms  . .  are becoming more plentiful . .
shared often times by only 2 rooms . . ( some have 'private' )
Toilets . .  almost always now can  be flushed  WITH  paper
( plumbing has improved )
Windows . .  most of the time now are double pane
( reducing both noise and heat / cold )
Amenities . .  are regularly including upgraded furniture, lighting,  & even decor.
Customer Service . .  is increasingly taking priority.
Like school classrooms . . 'dormitory' sizes . .  are shrinking.
Privacy . .  is becoming a . . priority.
Competition . .  is creating good choices for savvy travelers.
Additional services . . are being added . . such as 'onward' bookings (other cities) .  activities  .  rental equipment

Properties themselves are increasing in Size and Purpose
Quiet areas  .  Conversational spots  .  Internet corners  .  Patio seating

Refundable 'Deposits' on  LOCKERS  for early arrivals are now 'Standard'
so you are free to make the most of your day

This seemingly unimportant pic reminds me of  . .  3 things:
.  Many now send you to your room not only with your KEY . . but also with your  SHEETS
(make your own bed)
. The guy behind the Desk is seriously looking for a room for us  NEXT  on our Itinerary  (free service)
. When we check out we will bring our sheets / pillow cases down here and drop them 
into the  'chute'  to the left of this counter length . . sending them to  'Laundry'  below

(Bed making / un-making was 'new' to us.   We had never heard of such requests from customers . .)

This particular Hostel uniquely issues each guest  . .  2  'tokens'  for . .  2  free beverages
( Each hostel has something distinguishing it from others )

We walked the length of  INTERLAKEN . .
"Some"  windows are hard to pass by . . Yes, we bought a 'break off" piece of chocolate.

MIGROS  .  COOP  and a couple others are good places to put together a simple picnic . .
Some are basic and small.    Others are extensive and offer ready-made meals and sit-down tables.

This  Migros even had a full-size salad bar . . with . .  take - away container

CREPES  capture attention  with  "aroma"  as we meander down Interlaken's main drag.
A crowd gathers to watch this gal make everyone's mouth water.

We take the advice of our Hostel . . to get  FONDUE  at a grocery store  ('ready-to-serve') . .
bring it back to the Hostel and they will provide all the equipment we need to get it ready.
ON  THE  WAY  . .  we get sidetracked  by all the  Paragliding equipment  and Paraglid-ERS
$100+ (+ another $40 for video)  for the 15 minute  'thrill'.
The 'experience'  is very tempting.   The  'cost'  . . well !?!?
Many many many keep coming off a high hill above Interlaken . .
each glider is taken by Van to the hilltop launch spot when their  'number'  is called.
Our bench-mate is from Saudi Arabia.
She's watching her clock . . for her 5:20  pick-up time

I'm considering 'which'  COLOR  paraglide I would choose
and I'm watching to see if gliders land on their  . .  SEAT  or  FEET

There's only a slight breeze.
When we look behind us at the high hill . .
we notice that the take - off view of those who leave ground
looks  VERY  HIGH  UP . .
and  the  paragliders look incredibly small.
( wonder what they are thinking . . "too late to change my mind now" )

We have  FONDUE  on our minds.
Time to head . . "home"
Late afternoon brings out horses and buggies . .

Our Hostel is not only the  HOME  of this  PARAGLIDING  company
It's right across the street from the big park.

Trying out the Hostel Kitchen on the lower level of the building.
South Koreans are cooking the thickest bacon we have ever seen or heard of.
With it they are sautéing mushrooms and onions.
It smells delicious . . but I'm looking forward to long-awaited  FONDUE

The Korean gang is 'feasting' on a lower outside patio.
Can they ever talk a blue streak . .

And simple as it is . . We are loving our  Gruyere Fondue with french bread.
2 packages come in a box for less than $8
Each package serves 2 people.
Compare that to restaurant serving for one person $20 . . and you can't "share"
The bread (approx. 18" long) was a little over a dollar.
A "deal"  to be sure.
Switzerland surprises you.
'Almost'  EVERYTHING  is outrageously priced
Then you find Cabernet (or other) for   $2.90  or   $1.90  . . (How possible?)

This nice shady tunnel leads us right to our   . .  Train Platform
to bid this inviting town farewell
and . .
we will keep on . . keeping on

LUZERN  . .  here we come !
Rusty and Wrinkles haven't been in Luzern since the late 1980s
Will this nice . . weather . . 'stick-around'


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